Hilo Daily Image


23 September 2015

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I was standing on the porch and noticed a large spray of orange/yellow leaves out on the makai border. I had the 300 mounted so I rushed out hoping to beat the rain that was blowing in. I didn't, so that is almost HDI photo-journalism: grab the shot, get away, which in this case meant get inside.


In Lightroom I did like the contrast between the orange/yellow leaves and the green ti, but I thought I'd see how it looked in B&W, and I liked it better. For one thing, I could heighten the contrast without making the image look artificial. What I mean is that to lighten the orange/yellow, I simply pushed up Orange saturation. In color it would have looked awful.


I also like the sheen on the ti leaves.


So. Raining again. And the forecast is for next week to be rainy every day. Maybe I'll do Rain Week. How many ways can I capture rain? Many, I'm sure. But will they all be interesting? Have to try it to find out. Stay tuned. I might do it.