I couldn't sleep last night, so I started thinking about today's HDI. What do you think about when you can't sleep? Yesterday I was behind the Areca palm at the back, where there's a stand of blue ginger. It's all overgrown back there (another undone task) but I lay in bed and composed a telephoto shot that would stack the blue heads and isolate them from their background.
It rained much of the night. I went out with the 200 mm but my memory of how the ginger stand was organized was faulty, and I didn't see any way to get the shot I'd been visualizing in the night. I found a couple of compositions that were OK, but only OK. I think the blue ginger's going to have to be shot with the closeup lens, so I'll do that one of these days.
I came out from behind the Areca and had a look at a clump of taro I'd moved two or three days ago. The day after I moved it, anybody who didn't know taro would have said that it had died. Yesterday even I was thinking that maybe I'd moved it too brutally. But today it's happy.
One of Ruth's poems ("Sometimes in Dreams You See Wings") came into my head, because one of its lines includes "like a leaf unfolding, or a wing." Today I offer you a taro leaf unfolding. With an insect on it. In standing water that's probably breeding mosquitoes.
This site is all about visuals, so even though I offered you one of Ruth's poems in August, as text, today I'll offer you that poem (and others) in a reading/dance performance video. I did the camera and editing.